Glenn has served the community publicly for four decades. He served in the Marines, the Army, as an emergency med technician as well as serving in corrections for two decades. He likes to say "I could have worked other jobs, but prefer to be in public service." Glenn has been a pillar of the community in public service for the majority of his life, and now he wishes to continue this service.
Surviving pancreatic cancer (stage four) Glenn decided to run for public office in order to change the game, and end the games being played by our supposed "leaders". Then after deciding, he found he was diagnosed again with another form of cancer, lymphoma. Learning this though, did nothing but incentivise Glenn to work even harder, as time may be shorter for him to bring in this necessary and much needed change for Oregon.
Glenn came to back to the Oregon coast to heal from surviving cancer. This was his place of meditation and self preservation, his original home. It was just a few months that Glenn had begun living here in his home again, when Covid-19 and the plandemic happened. He saw his community suffer, his family suffer, his friends suffer. He was looking at life with a new passion and decided it time to make some changes. Glenn says "pancreatic cancer saved me in a lot of ways, it brought me back to God." With Glenn feeling closer to God he also saw compassion for his community, which made him question everything happening in this corrupt government, and made the decision to step up and be the voice we all need.