"The first priority of any legislators is to adhere to the oath of office, that oath includes defending our Constitution against all enemies foreign or domestic.
Progressives in Oregon have been working tirelessly to dismantle our rights using emergency powers, weaponizing state agencies, using unconstitutional mandates and the gerrymandering of our district lines in order to gain power and control over citizens.
Our governor, Kate Brown, seized control of our state using emergency powers that were never meant to be used in this fashion, and for the amount of time she has kept them in place. She has shown us that the saying, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, is true.
However power belongs to the people and it needs to shift back to the people.
Make no mistake about it, progressive democrats are working tirelessly to ensure that the power stays in their hands and that citizens are silenced or intimidated into compliance. To the power hungry, our Constitution and Bill of rights are only obstacles to be removed."
Education in our state is the worst in the nation, ranking us 47th out of 50 before covid closures made the issue far worse.
An all powerful Oregon Educators Association, the OEA, has become nothing more than a weapon for progressive democrats to politically and sexually indoctrinate our children in public schools.
Critical Race Theory, teaches children that their station in life and their abilities are based on skin color. In the adult world, the working and business world, if you were to tell someone that they are not qualified because of their skin color, lawsuits would ensue, heads would roll and the media would have a feeding frenzy. Put the power back in the hands of citizens where it belongs, the parent, never the state, has the child's best interests at heart. Funding students allows parents to have a choice on the school their child attends, gives other options such as private or faith based schools and reduces the cost of education by making schools more accountable. If a school wants to go against the wishes of the local citizenry, it is simply a matter of changing schools and spending that money in the way which best helps the student to get the education that they need.
Neuter the OEA, place citizens back in charge of their child's future.
Public safety boils down to one issue, drugs and drug trafficking. Drugs drive over 90 percent of all our crimes. Addicts needing drug money are more than willing to commit crimes in order to support their habit, that is a sad fact of addiction. When someone tells you that drugs only hurt the user, they are uneducated and mistaken. The greatest majority of the homeless, mental health crisis, homicides, violent crime, teen overdose deaths, domestic violence, suicide frequently have addiction as the root cause. When you make insane decisions like legalizing hard drugs for personal use, you rang the dinner bell for Cartels, gangs and local dealers to set up shop in a no consequence for dealing zone. Progressive Democrats with a hug a thug mentality, the criminal is the real victim ideology, and immigrant sanctuary policies, rolled out the red carpet for Mexican, Asian and Russian Cartels. The violence that you now see on our city streets, is NOT gun violence, its drug, gang, organized crime violence.
If we can put a serious dent in the drug trade, we can and will reclaim our cities and communities.
We need to support law enforcement officers, not hamstring them. Let our officers do the job they were trained to do, protect and serve. If citizens, officers, prosecutors and judges work together, we can have safe streets again.
Election integrity and voter ID laws are critical to a free and fair democracy. The myth that some people in society have no access to getting ID is just plain ridiculous and not supported by any evidence. ID is available to everyone no matter what the demographic. ID should also be secure, when teens go for their first drivers licenses they are required to show birth certificate, social security card, student ID or enrollment in public school with proof of residence. That should be the same for everyone. Progressives want to undermine the security of that process to get more people registered through motor voter laws. These laws frequently have components of mandatory evidence for citizens and none for those here illegally in our country.
Voting is a duty, a right and the foundation of our democracy, it is our voice and the current regime wants nothing more than to silence us.
Mail in voting and in particular all mail in voting is also an easy avenue for fraud to take hold and far too unsecure to be trusted. Placing something in the mail is no guarantee that it will arrive at its destination and we have all experienced this at one time or another. Going to secure drop boxes, showing up at a voting booth, equal numbers of vote checkers, hand counting ballots, two party verification on every questionable ballot and complete transparency are not options, they are the only way to ensure fair elections on both sides.
Jay Inslee won the election that year, the next day LaRaza, a radical marxist labor union out of Mexico city and with ties to the drug Cartels, threw a party in the capitol rotunda complete with band and hundreds of LaRaza supporters. Why are foreign labor unions effecting state elections in our country? Is this how progressives will continue to win and what are the holes in state ID verification?
Our economy and in particular our small businesses have taken a beating in the past two years due to covid mandates and burdensome regulation. Small business is the backbone of our economy. The current administration is hostile towards small business owners, shows no thought or compassion when making new laws or rules and sees business owners as nothing more than tax revenue. No one goes into business, or has a dream of doing so, to just scrape by or barely make ends meet. Small businesses were forced to shutter their doors, due to covid mandates, that made no sense when large corporate stores were allowed to operate and pull in maximum profits. This inequity caused many small businesses to close and destroyed the lives and dreams of many.
Our larger industries are under attack also, climate crisis proponents in Oregon want to put a stop to our biggest industries, lumber, paper production, farming, raising of livestock, fishing, dairy production. Ham stringing industry of every kind with the goal of eliminating the use of all diesel fuel will bring the economy to a grinding halt.
In their twisted ideology they believe they are saving us from harm but the science supporting this ideology is not concrete and has just as many scientist saying the opposite.
What we do know is that the biggest killer on the planet, the most harmful to human kind is poverty and progressive democrat policies will surely drive us in that direction.